Survey on vitreous opacities of the eye

Welcome to our study,
thank you for your interest in our survey on vitreous opacities in the eye.
Your participation helps the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. to improve the current state of knowledge in this field of research. It does not matter whether you have eye floaters or not.
The data we collect will be made available to other scientists upon request.
At the end of the survey, you will have the opportunity to sign up with your e-mail address in order to receive updates on new insights from the study as soon as they are available.
All data that is collected and stored during the survey is anonymous and does not allow the identification of any of the participants. If you choose to provide your e-mail address at the end of the survey, it will not be linked with your survey data.
On average, it takes participants 10-15 minutes to complete the survey.
Funded by:
The funds for conducting this study are provided by Forschungsvereinigung Feinmechanik, Optik und Medizintechnik e.V. (F.O.M.) and Deutsche Industrieverband für Optik, Photonik, Analysen- und Medizintechnik e.V. (SEPCTARIS).
Project team
M. Sc. Jaryi Lippek
Project Management XFloater
Phone: +49 511 2788 202
Dr. rer. nat. Sonja Johannsmeier
Head of Biophotonics Group
Phone: +49 511 2788 352
If you do not wish to participate in the survey but would still like to be informed about the results, you can directly sign up with your e-mail here: