S. Paschel
J. McCauley
T. Kellermann
M. Steinecke
M. Jupé
A. Wienke
D. Ristau

Stability and absorption of quantizing nanolaminates

SPIE Optical Systems Design
07. - 11. April
Type: Konferenzbeitrag
Quantizing nanolaminates (QNLs) are a promising alternative as high-index material in thin film coatings providing high flexibility with respect to their refractive index and bandgap energy. However, the fabrication of QNLs requires high precision in the deposition of the layers. Common monitoring strategies are not applicable due to the nanometer to subnanometer layer thicknesses needed to achieve a significantly increased bandgap energy. This contribution investigates the impact of thickness errors on the bandgap energy of QNLs. Calculations show a diminishing of the bandgap energy increase due to thickness errors in a single layer. This effect will be investigated experimentally. Moreover, the QNLs linear and nonlinear absorption will be tested as function of layer numbers determining the impact of the increased interfaces of QNL structures. Applying the new insights, the final goal is the fabrication of functional QNL-coatings with optimized electrical field intensity and increased LIDT for the ultra-short pulse regime.