B. Schuhbauer
F. Haxsen
U. Morgner
J. Neumann
D. Kracht

Towards megawatt peak power: advancements and future scaling prospects of ultrafast thulium-doped fiber Mamyshev oscillators

SPIE Proceedings Volume PC12865, Fiber Lasers XXI: Technology and Systems
Vol. PC12865
Type: Zeitschriftenaufsatz (non-reviewed)
Mamyshev oscillators are at the forefront of parameter scaling of ultrafast fiber oscillators. This talk focuses on the prospects of Mamyshev oscillators in the spectral 2 µm region based on thulium-doped fibers. Recent studies have reported pulse energies up to 15 nJ at a duration of 140 fs by a large normal dispersive cavity. Moreover, higher order soliton dynamics hold promise to scale the peak power into the MW-class for ultrafast fiber oscillators in the short wavelength mid-infrared.