Ein Wissenschaftler erklärt einem Besucher der Ausstellung ein Mondexponat.
Dr. Jörg Neumann presents the exhibits: Samples of artificial moon dust of different locations , the control board and a small, lightweight, powerful laser. (Image: LZH)
01 October 2024

Scientists from the LZH presented MOONRISE at this year's “Highlights der Physik”. For a week, visitors were invited to find out how 3D printing could be done on the moon.

From September 24 to 28, “Highlights der Physik” took place on Ernst-August-Platz in Hanover, Germany: Scientists from the LZH presented the project MOONRISE, which plans to bring 3D printing to the moon. Almost 35,000 visitors took part in the event. Project team members showed interested visitors the results of the moon dust melting process. Artificial moon dust, so-called regolith, is melted by a laser beam with an intent to create 2D structures on the surface of the moon – the project vision: to create solid infrastructure such as roads or buildings on the moon using the existing material. LZH employees showed interested guests three exhibits on the moon model: samples of artificial moon dust of different locations, a small, lightweight but powerful laser as well as its control board. They also explained how the LZH wants to use artificial intelligence to examine the landing site as well as the result of the melting process.

More information about the project is available as a recording of a presentation by project team member Tim Eismann on the YouTube channel of the European Space Resources Innovation Center (ESRIC) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV1QRWJKFSk&t=1085s.