PD Dr. Merve Wollweber

PD Dr. Merve Wollweber (LZH)
Head of Food & Farming Group
Life Sciences
E-Mail: m.wollweber@lzh.de
Phone: +49 511 2788-212

Study of Physics (diploma, 2002) and Master of Education (physics and anglistics, first state examination, 2002) at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. In 2006, PhD in biophysics obtained from the Natural Sciences Faculty at the Leibniz Universität Hannover, dissertation title "Optoacoustic Characterization of Optical Properties of Human Skin in vivo in the Ultraviolet Wavelength Range“. In 2018, habilitation in physics on the topic "Multimodal optical spectroscopy for application in the life sciences“.

PD Dr. Merve Wollweber has been working at the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. since 2018, and has been heading the Food and Farming Group in the Department of Life Sciences since 2019.

Main Research Areas
  • Non-invasive analytics (laser spectroscopy and imaging)
  • Photo-biological and photo-chemical processes