Generation of nanoparticle colloids by picosecond and femtosecond laser ablations in liquid flow
Applied Physics Letters
083113-1 - 083113-3
Type: Zeitschriftenaufsatz (reviewed)
DOI: 10.1063/1.2773937
Fabrication of silver nanoparticle colloids using ultrashort pulse laser ablation in water is studied. Ablation in liquid flow improves the reproducibility and increases the nanoparticle productivity by 380\% compared to stationary liquid. Femtosecond laser ablation in water is 20\% more efficient than picosecond laser ablation, but due to higher picosecond laser power (higher repetition rate), the nanoparticle productivity at the same pulse fluence is three times higher for picosecond laser ablation. With picosecond laser pulses, the maximum productivity of 8.6 μg/s is achieved at a pulse energy of 110 μJ and repetition rate of 50 kHz.