Design of a wire nozzle unit for a coaxial deposition head to manufacture wire bridges
Innovative Product Development by Additive Manufacturing 2024
24. September
Type: Konferenzbeitrag
A new manufacturing process to produce additive structures and wire bridges is used for lightweight structures. The design of wire bridges, which can absorb tensile forces, enables the production of weightoptimized components. The manufacturing process consists of setting a start point by laser wire bonding followed by the arc-shaped drawing of the wire and the final setting of an end point. A coaxial deposition welding head was used for preliminary tests. The stiffness of the wire ozzle unit proofed to be not suitable for absorbing the occurring radial forces (max. 1100 N) when tensioning a wire bridge. The manufacturing of a wire bridge using a newly developed, functionally adapted wire nozzle unit, which enables a stable process due to low deformation (max. 1.5 mm), is being investigated. The material and the shape of the component have a significant influence on the maximum deformation, so these were determined by design.