Disinfection of water by using laser radiation
12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE)
04.-08. September
Type: Konferenzbeitrag
The use of high-power laser radiation in water is not common. A major reason for this is the high absorption in water above 550 nm and the
resulting higher requirement for laser power. Due to the progressive developments in laser technology in the range of blue radiation with more
powerful laser sources, new areas of application with high power requirements can be developed. An application for water treatment using laser
radiation is unknown but has a high potential due to the high energy density that can be generated by laser radiation. In this work, seawater from
the North Sea was disinfected using laser radiation. A laser with wavelengths of 448 nm and a power of 1400 W was used. The water was
irradiated statically in a cuvette (water volume of 20.67 ml).