Measurement of tear resistance after manual capsulorhexis and femtosecond laser-assisted capsulotomy of crystalline lenses
Lasers in Medical Science
Type: Zeitschriftenaufsatz (reviewed)
In this study, the tear resistance of porcine lens capsules after continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (CCC) and femtosecond (fs)-laser-assisted capsulotomy for cataract surgery (FLC) with different laser parameters is measured with a custom-made testing setup.
Forty-five fresh porcine lenses were randomly chosen for CCC (n = 15) or FLC 1 (n = 15) and FLC 2 (n = 15). The FLC 1-group was treated with smaller spot distances than the FLC 2-group. The force necessary to break the opening of the anterior capsule and the maximum displacement were measured.
The mean tear resistance of the CCC-group (150 ± 70 mN) was higher than that of the FLC 1-group (60 ± 20 mN) and the FLC 2-group (30 ± 20 mN).
It could be shown that CCC leads to a significantly higher tear resistance of the opening than FLC in porcine lenses. The femtosecond laser group demonstrated that smaller spot distances lead to a higher tear resistance.