Dr.-Ing. Peter Jäschke

Dr.-Ing. Peter Jäschke (LZH)
Head of the Department of Sustainable Production
E-Mail: p.jaeschke@lzh.de
Phone: +49 511 2788-432

Studied physics at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, graduated as a physicist; 2012 doctorate degree (Dr.-Ing.) obtained from the Leibniz Universität Hannover, dissertation on the topic of „Laser transmission welding of continuous carbon fiber reinforced plastics and thermoplastic polymers”.

Since 1999, Dr. Jäschke has been working at the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH). 1999 to 2011 scientific employee, from 2011 to 2019 he was Head of the Composites Group in the Production and Systems Department.

Since July 2019, Dr.-Ing. Peter Jäschke acts as Head of the Department of Sustainable Production.

Main Research Areas
  • Processing of plastics
  • Processing of fiber reinforced composites
Other professional commitments
  • Initiator and chairman of the Symposium Photonischer Leichtbau